300 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in India

This is an advanced Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course, certified by an India’s best Kundalini Yoga Institute, Adwait Yoga School. This course is offered ONLINE as well as OFFLINE at our Centers. 

50 hour kundalini yoga teacher training course
Course & Trainings

This advanced Kundalini Yoga training is offered by an ordained Himalayan Yoga Spiritual Master, Sri Yogi Anand, who has been teaching Kundalini Yoga since 1999.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Coursse in India
yoga techniques
Kundalini Yoga Asanas

The important yoga asanas, which are important to practice the kundalini yoga, is the first part of the training.

Pranayama & Kriya

Basic, Intermediate and Advanced level pranayamas are taught in this advanced kundalni yoga course.

Kundalini Mantra

In this course, the Beej (seed) mantra of every kundalini chakra is used to awaken the chakras.

200 hour kundalini

Meditation is an effective tool of Kundalini Yoga, to awaken, balance and manage the Kundalini energy.

The 300-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training course, which is also referred to as a Kundalini Shakti course, or “Shakti” training course, is an advanced Kundalini Yoga Course. There are many good reasons to take this advanced Kundalini training course, one of the most obvious is to obtain the skills and expertise necessary in order to perform this ancient form of Yoga meditation and healing. One of the most fascinating things discovered about Kundalini Yoga, and indeed any type of Yoga meditation and spiritual work, is that in order to really experience true change, you must first go through a process where you can quiet your mind and rest your body.

This is not an easy task for most people. In addition to being extremely stressful, it can also be extremely expensive, especially if you are taking an intensive course that includes classes in the evening or weekend sessions. Fortunately, there is now a much cheaper alternative. This course would typically consist of a six week sessions consisting of either a classroom lecture, group exercises and discussions, or one-on-one instruction. This is definitely the most intensive way to learn and train as a Kundalini Yoga teacher.


Why advanced kundalini yoga teacher training course?

We often ask ourselves, “Why should I take a Kundalini Yoga teacher training course?” The reasons are simple and straightforward. When you consider the sheer amount of information available on the internet about various aspects of the Kundalini Yoga practice, it can be easy to get distracted and lose focus. A properly trained person who has experience is far more likely to help you understand the subtleties and nuances of the advanced kundalini yoga exercises in a way that will help you reach your full Kundalini awakening experience.

The reason we feel a need to attend an advanced class is because this type of yoga is advanced. This means that although the basic principles of yoga are still at work, the physical and mental challenges that are encountered during the advanced stages of the practice make it difficult for beginners to gain a foothold. When you are attending a Kundalini Yoga class, you are not only receiving instruction on the basic movements and poses of kundalini yoga, but you are also receiving instruction on how to deal with the psychological issues that arise during the advanced stages of the practice. This can make it easier for a beginner to become motivated to continue with kundalini yoga after learning the basics. In addition, the advanced courses usually include short but focused demonstrations on meditation, chanting, and visualizations.

A good advanced kundalini yoga teacher training course will not limit the types of people it will teach to. It is important to choose a teacher that has the same level of knowledge and experience as you have. Ideally, you would like to learn everything you need to know from a person who is already accomplished within the world of yoga. There is no better teacher than one who is truly passionate about teaching yoga and willing to share all that he or she knows in order to help you achieve your goals. A good course will also provide you with resources you can use to further your studies of yoga and help you obtain certification in the advanced stages of kundalini yoga.

Curriculum of 300-hour Kundalini Yoga TTC Program

If you’re looking to learn  Kundalini yoga in-depth, then it’s important to make sure that the program you choose is a solid one that offers what you need to learn in order to reach your maximum physical, psychological, and spiritual potential. A good program will contain a carefully designed curriculum of advanced kundalini yoga, which includes everything from the fundamental concepts of yoga to the most highly developed, specialized forms of the discipline. Here are some things that you can look for in a good course of advanced Kundalini yoga:

Topics Covered:


  1. Yogic Warm-up
  2. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
    1. Hatha Surya Namaskar
    2. Ashtanga Surya Namaskar A
    3. Ashtanga Surya Namaskar B
  3. Standing Asanas
    1. Tadasana
    2. Tiryak Tadasana
    3. Kati Chakrasana
    4. Lolasana
    5. Dolasana
    6. Gatyatmaka Trikonasana
    7. Gatyatmaka Parivritta Trikonasana
    8. Sthita Trikonasana
    9. Sthita Parivritta Trikonasana
    10. Utkatasana
    11. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
    12. Natarajasana
    13. Vrikshasana
    14. Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C, D
    15. Virbhadrasana I, II, and III
  4. Sitting Asanas
    1. Uttan Prishthasana
    2. Anjaneyasana
    3. Parivritta Anjaneyasana
    4. Rajakapotasana
    5. Shashankasana
    6. Ushtrasana
    7. Padanguli Naman
    8. Gulfa Naman
    9. Gulf Ghoornan
    10. Shroni Chalana
    11. Shroni Ghoornan
    12. Arddha Titali Asana
    13. Poorna Titali Asana
    14. Baddha Konasana
    15. Parivritta Janu Shirshasana
    16. Janu Shirshasana
    17. Paschimottanasana
    18. Poorvottanasana
    19. Arddha Matsyendrasana
    20. Gomukhasana
    21. Naukasana
  5. Supine Asanas
    1. Pada Sanchalanasana A & B
    2. Supta Baddha Konasana
    3. Pada Ghoornanasana
    4. Padottanasna A & B
    5. Setu Bandhasana
    6. Janghottanasna
    7. Supta Udarakarshanasna
    8. Sarvangasana
    9. Halasana
    10. Matsyasana
  6. Prone Asanas
    1. Sarpasana
    2. Shalabhasana
    3. Makarasana
    4. Dhanurasana
    5. Matsya Kridasana
  7. Relaxation Asanas
    1. Shavasana


  1. Chandra Pranayama
  2. Surya Pranayama
  3. Chandrabhedi Pranayama
  4. Suryabhedi Pranayama
  5. Anulom Vilom Pranayama
  6. Naadishodhana Pranayama
  7. Vaksha Pranayama
  8. Udar Pranayama
  9. Yogic Pranayama
  10. Kaplabhati Pranayama
  11. Seetkari Pranayama
  12. Bhastrika Pranayama
  13. Sheetali Pranayama
  14. Ujjayi Pranayama
  15. Bhramari Pranayama


  1. Neti
  2. Dhauti
  3. Nauli
  4. Basti
  5. Trataka
  6. Kapalbhati
  7. Agnisar
  8. Ashwini


  1. Mool Bandha
  2. Uddiyana Bandha
  3. Jalandhar Bandha
  4. Mahabandha


  1. What is Mudra?
  2. Types of Mudra
  3. Hasta Mudra
  4. Mana Mudra
  5. Kaya Mudra


  1. Short
  2. Long


  1. Chakra Beej Mantra
  2. Ishta Mantra
  3. Vedic Mantra
  4. Tantric Mantra
  5. Adhyatmik Mantra


  1. What is Tantra
  2. Types of Tantra
  3. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra


  1. Kundalini Meditation
  2. Chakra Meditation
  3. Mantra Meditation
  4. Sakshi Meditation
  5. Vipassana
  6. Mindfulness
  7. Savikalpa Meditation
  8. Nirvikalpa Meditation
  9. Nirodh Samapatti


  1. Skeletal System
  2. Muscular System
  3. Nervous System
  4. Endocrine System
  5. Cardio-Vascular System
  6. Digestion System
  7. Respiratory System
  8. Biomechanics


  1. What is Ayurveda?
  2. Tridoshas
  3. Pancha Mahabhootas
  4. Ayurvedic Foods
  5. Ayurvedic Lifestyle


  1. Kundalni Shakti
  2. 13 Chakras
  3. Naadis
  4. Pancha Koshas
  5. Subtle Bodies
  6.  Kundalini Yoga Lineage
  7. Hatha Yoga
  8. Raja Yoga
  9. Bhakti Yoga
  10. Karma Yoga
  11. Spiriual Awakening


  1. Ethical Commitments
  2. Teaching Methodology
  3. Credentials
  4. Professional Growth

Course Duration

  • Our 300 hour Kundalini TTC program is completed in 2 months.
  • Classes everyday, Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

300 hour Kundalini Yoga TTC Fee

Pricing Plan

Affordable Course Fee Plans

We have 3 types of Course Fee Plans to choose. You can choose any of them that suits you best.


$ 999
  • Certified Course
  • Manual book
  • Best Training
  • Holistic Community
  • Lifetime Free Guidance


Incl. Food & accommodation
$ 1999
  • Certified Course
  • Manual Book
  • Best Training
  • Holistic Community
  • Lifetime Free Guidance


$ 899
  • Certified Course
  • Manual Book
  • Best Training
  • Holistic Community
  • Lifetime Free Guidance
Fee Inclusions:

Tuition fee and mandatory text.

Fee Exclusions:
  • Food, Accommodation, and Boarding (can be arranged at extra cost)
  • Transfers (can be arranged on request at extra cost)
  • Other personal requirements
  • Anything not specifically mentioned in Inclusions
Accommodation & Food

They who need food and accommodation, are provided the same at actual cost.

Refund Policy
  • It is suggested that all students carefully consider the time and resources required for the course before applying for the teacher training course at Adwait Yoga School.
  • The advance deposit that submitted for YTTC programs or for any retreats and workshops is non-refundable.
  • In case of any emergencies if student can’t attend the course, Adwait Yoga School can permit them to join other scheduled course within the period of 12 months.
  • No Refunds, Credits or Transfers are done on cancellation, during or after the course starts.

Registration Process

When you are ready to join this course with us, please complete the registration process, by filling out the Registration Form and  submit the same to us. In order to complete the registration process, you would need to pay the Registration Fee amount, which is 30% of the total fee mentioned above. This registration amount would be considered as first part payment of the total fee.

In case, you have any queries related to registration, please feel free to contact us so that we can further assist you with your registration process. 

Please note, the registration fee is a non-refundable deposit, which is adjusted in the total fee, and the remaining balance would be paid 1 day before the Course starts. Applications are processed on a first come first serve basis. Yoga Courses in India maintains the right to accept or reject any application without providing an explanation.

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