Guru Purnima Special: Importance of Guru

A guru is God or a teacher of spirituality. A Guru is a “dispeller of darkness and delusion” – a spiritual teacher who helps you grow as a person. In this article, we’ll look at what Gurus mean and how they help us learn the ways of God. And we’ll explore what our Gurus have taught us about how to live a more fulfilling life.

Guru is God

The Vedic system stresses the role of guru and the importance of the teacher. The Mundak Upanishad states that a person must surrender himself to the guru as he knows all the secrets of the Vedas. The Kathopanishad also speaks of a guru as a preceptor. The syllabus of a guru gradually expanded to include temporal and secular subjects. Soon, archery, economics, drama, sexology, and other activities entered the guru’s sphere of instruction.

A Guru is a higher being than a person. You should not try to find a guru by searching for it. The spirituality texts mention several gurus. Therefore, you must be of higher calibre than the person you are searching for. You should never seek to test a Guru. Only when you feel he is a good teacher, you can worship him. If you feel you are not ready for a particular initiation, you can switch to another guru.

In order to become a spiritual teacher, you must first be aware of the guru’s will and follow it. A guru will help you tune in to the will of the Lord. He sends a guru in response to the spiritual desire of your soul. When the desire of your soul is strong enough, the Lord will send a guru to guide you back to Him. A teacher can inspire you to seek spirituality, but it is not until you feel a connection with the guru that you will be able to receive spiritual instruction.

Guru is a teacher of spirituality

The word guru is derived from Sanskrit and means “master teacher.” A guru is someone who is an authority in a certain field of knowledge, and uses that knowledge to guide other people in the same direction. In the context of spiritual development, a guru is an important principle in leading creation from unreality to reality, from the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge. The guru may be a saint or a divine incarnation on earth, or he may be a non-human object or intellectual discipline.

In contrast, a human guru displays the form of the Guru, providing a concrete guide in the student’s spiritual journey. Like the unmanifest Guru, the human Guru is omniscient, which means that it knows everything about its disciple, including the degree of sincerity and the extent of a student’s ignorance. Because of this, a student who is aware of their Guru’s ability to know his mistakes often refrains from doing anything that may harm the guru’s reputation.

In Hindu spiritual texts, the behavior of students toward the guru is usually described as a slavishly obedient attitude. In other words, the student is expected to follow the guru’s instructions without question, and to give up all responsibility. Traditionally, the behavior of a guru may seem very hierarchical, but modern attitudes have shifted that way. Guru worship has become increasingly popular in Western culture, and it has helped many people achieve the state of Sainthood.

Guru is a “dispeller of darkness”

The term guru has multiple meanings in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikh traditions. The word guru is derived from the Sanskrit word gu, which means “darkness.” It is often translated as “teacher,” but the word guru has a much wider meaning. It can refer to any master teacher, whether they are religious or spiritual. In traditional teachings, the guru serves as a spiritual guide or teacher.

In ancient Sanskrit, the word guru means “heavy”. In other languages, the word guru can refer to a minister, leader, or mother. In spirituality, a guru is a teacher who speaks and removes ignorance. However, this word is most often used to describe a spiritual teacher. For a more comprehensive definition, Google “Cologne Sanskrit dictionary” to see if you can find a complete list of dictionaries in Sanskrit.

The role of a guru is to elevate the collective consciousness of humanity. By doing so, the guru can share his or her wisdom with others, creating a virtuous, ever-growing circle of uplifting energy. A true guru is an example of a teacher who has a greater level of integrity than others. While he or she may not be an ideal teacher, this does not mean that they cannot be a spiritual teacher.

If you are seeking a guru, you can do so by reading books and visiting groups that practice the same philosophy as your guru. Try to find a guru whose teachings and practices align with your own personal values and beliefs. Be open to the possibility of meeting multiple gurus. And remember, if the guru you follow does not have the right energy or knowledge, you can always search elsewhere.

Guru is a “dispeller of delusion”

The Buddha described the Guru as a “dispeller of delusion”, but it is not clear what he meant by that. The popular definition of the term guru is “one who points us to the path”; other draft translations call it “a dispeller of delusion.” In his teachings, the Guru is the’spy of the mind’, destroying all forms of ignorance. Chandramukha, for instance, was a charmer with all the arts.

Guru is a “dispeller of ignorance”

The word Guru is used to refer to any spiritual teacher or guide. However, this person is not necessarily the same as a Buddha, a mystic, or a saint. The Guru’s primary role is to inspire spiritual practice by introducing the sadhika to the true nature of reality. While the Guru can be a great spiritual teacher, he is not a god, nor does he command adoration or worship.

The concept of a guru reaches its etymological roots in the Vedic period. The Upanisads present the teacher as indispensable to self-knowledge, and many other religions have emphasized the role of the teacher. Names of teachers can vary from culture to culture, but all have the same purpose: to guide a student out of the darkness of ignorance and into the light of spiritual truth.

The Guru’s role in guiding the disciple is to remove the barriers that prevent him from experiencing Enlightenment. The Guru’s role is to dispel the mind’s tendency to see itself as the object of knowledge and sensation. This process is a gradual one, leading to the ultimate goal of achieving enlightenment. The disciple must first clear his mind of the obstacles that stand in the way of spiritual realization.

Guru helps remove veils of ignorance

The term ‘Gurus’ in spirituality describes a person who imparts spiritual knowledge to others. This is the second highest form of divinity after Brahman. The Guru has three characteristics: g grants supernatural powers, r expunges sins, and u depicts the latent unmanifested energy of Vishnu. Gurus guide those who follow them in their spiritual journey and help remove the veils of ignorance that separate them from the light of their own Self.

The term guru refers to a divine figure who is known as a teacher, or a spiritual master, in Hinduism. The Guru has a specific role in the spiritual path: he inspires devotion in his disciples, and he purifies all beings in his presence. Gurus often live in ashrams or gurukulas, and his disciples are known as chelas or sisyas.

During the Veil of Ignorance, people do not know who they are and who they will become in the new society. This makes it difficult to make decisions because they may affect them negatively or benefit them. Men, for example, may choose to be superior to women, but then be forced to face the fact that they will be slaves to the women in their society. No one wants to be disadvantaged, but without a Guru, they can achieve a fairer society.

The role of the guru can be outlined in ancient texts. In the Skanda Purana, the guru is described as an embodied presence of inner life. The guru inspires, disciplines, forgives, and parents their students. The guru also transmits the truths of life. The guru is an inner beacon of illumination that leads to spiritual attainment. The gurus guide their students on the path to spiritual attainment.

Guru Purnima – What is This All About?

The tradition of honoring spiritual Gurus is celebrated on Guru Purnima. Inspired by the Karma Yoga concept, this holiday is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. For more information about the day and what you can do to mark it, read on. This article will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about this holiday. Read on to learn about the history of Guru Purnima, its significance and traditions.

What is Guru Purnima?

If you’ve ever wondered what Guru Purnima means, you’re not alone. This day is dedicated to academic and spiritual Gurus. Based on the practice of Karma Yoga, it is celebrated by Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains. But what is Guru Purnima, and why is it celebrated? Read on to find out! And make sure you don’t miss the day when the world’s greatest teachers are honored.

During Guru Purnima, Hindus honor the guru of their lineage with a formal ritual called puja. The ceremony honours the guru’s sandals and holy feet, and is usually grand and spectacular. The festival is especially auspicious for pilgrims who visit the guru’s ashram. Moreover, if you’re a Buddhist, this is a great time to observe the festival and pay respect to your guru.

But don’t think it’s just about external teachers. A guru is a quality inside of us, and is not limited to our physical form or mind. The guru’s teachings are part of the Guru Tatva, which means that they’re a part of us. As such, Guru Purnima is celebrated on the first day of the Ashadh month, which falls in the months of June or July. In 2018, Guru Purnima falls on July 27th.

The Hindu god Vyasa, the creator of the Mahabharata, is also remembered during Guru Purnima. He authored the Vedas, which are referred to as the “Vedas,” and divided them into four parts. He then passed them down to his disciples, earning him the honorific name of “guru of Gurus”.

What is special about Guru Purnima?

What is special about Guru Purnima, a Hindu holiday dedicated to enlightened spiritual masters? It falls on the first full moon after the summer solstice, in the Hindu month of Ashad. Throughout India, people have celebrated this holiday in honor of their gurus. It is a time for seekers to express gratitude to their guru and ask for his blessings.

While it is important to acknowledge a guru’s contribution to Hinduism, we must remember that he or she isn’t the only yogi to have influenced the religion. The first guru was Adi Guru, who taught the Saptarishis the secrets of yoga. The day is also known as Vyasa Purnima. The day is considered to be one of the most auspicious days of the year, and has deep significance for Hindus.

The first full moon after summer solstice marks the beginning of the period of Chaturmas, when wandering spiritual masters settled down to study the Brahma Sutras. They also engaged in Vedantic discussions. The day begins with a brahmamuhurta (daily wakening ceremony) at four in the morning. All aspirants perform their daily rituals, including the sacred worship of the guru’s feet, which occurs later in the day. In addition, a devotional focus on the guru’s form and words is often practiced, and a celebration of the sannyasins begins in midday.

Difference between Teachers Day and Guru Purnima

In India, the festival of Teachers Day is celebrated on the fifth day of September, and it’s not a holiday to send ‘Happy’ Whatsapp messages. In contrast, the festival of Guru Purnima is a religious celebration that celebrates the great teachings of a Guru. It has religious as well as economic significance. While Teachers Day is more focused on the relationship between teacher and student, Guru Purnima also celebrates the greatness of the guru in the lives of students.

As a cultural tradition, the festivals of Teachers Day and Guru Purnima are very similar in many ways. However, the former highlights the guru principle a thousand times more than the latter. It’s a day to recognize the role of a guru in our lives and to thank teachers for their guidance. Indian classical dance and music still follow the guru-shishya tradition.

Interestingly, the days of Guru Purnima and Teachers Day are not the same in Nepal. In fact, Teachers’ Day was actually revived by Mahatma Gandhi and is celebrated in Nepal today. Both holidays celebrate the importance of teaching, and it is the role of teachers in the development of a nation. Guru Purnima is a very special day in Nepal. If you are in the country this year, take time to honor your teachers and your Guru.

How is guru Poornima celebrated?

The Hindu, Jains, and Buddhist traditions each celebrate the spiritual Gurus of their religions. In both Hinduism and Buddhism, the day is celebrated by offering gratitude and worship to these teachers. While the tradition of celebrating Guru Purnima is quite diverse, the basic principles are the same. The day is meant to honor academic and spiritual Gurus who have helped you achieve your life’s goals.

Guru Purnima is observed on the Full Moon day of the month of Ashadha. This day is a time to pay tribute to spiritual masters who have helped us to realize our eternal ‘Aatma’ or conscience. The date of Guru Purnima depends on the year, but in 2022 and 2023, it falls on July 13, Wednesday and July 3, Monday, respectively. The day is highly beneficial for those who practice yogic sadhana and meditate.

According to Hindu belief, Guru Purnima celebrates the first Guru and the first pupil. A Hindu guru holds a special place in the life of a student, imparting the knowledge that is needed for success in life. The word ‘guru‘ comes from two specific words, Gu and Ru. Both words mean ‘darkness‘ and ‘remover of darkness‘, and a guru’s teachings can remove the darkness from a student’s life. Today, Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists all celebrate Guru Purnima, including neighboring countries such as Nepal and Bhutan.

Is Buddha Purnima and Guru Purnima same?

Buddhists celebrate the birth of Gautam Buddha on Guru-Purnima, a day also celebrated by his disciples. Hindus celebrate Guru-Purnima in honor of Sage Ved Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata and a renowned sage. According to Hindu mythology, Vyasa was born on Guru-Purnima, and it is believed that he gave his first sermon to his five disciples on this day.

The Hindu festival of Guru-Purnima was around three centuries before the arrival of Christians. According to some Hindu scholars, the celebration of the day honors all spiritual and academic gurus. Today, it is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in Nepal. Although Guru-Purnima is very similar to Buddha-Purnima, there are some differences between the two festivals.

In the Hindu calendar, Guru-Purnima occurs on the first full moon day of the Shravan month. The month begins the rainy season. Both the Hindu and Buddhist communities celebrate this day. In 2021, the full moon day of Shravan will fall on July 24. The dates of Guru-Purnima vary every year. In 2018, Guru-Purnima will fall on July 24.

The date of Buddha-Purnima differs among Buddhists. In India, it is on May 5, while it is celebrated on May 19 in Southeast Asia. Both festivals combine the birth of the Buddha, his enlightenment, and his death. During Guru-Purnima, the Buddha delivered his first sermon. Buddha-Purnima falls on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar calendar, called “Vesak Day”.

What should we do on Guru Purnima?

The Hindu holiday of Guru Purnima is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Ashadha, which normally falls between July and August. It is a day to honor gurus and express gratitude for their teachings. Many people celebrate this day by performing a special pooja, or worship service, to Lord Vishnu. In addition to performing a special pooja, some people choose to abstain from rice, cereals, and salt but still consume fruits and yogurt on this day.

While the Hindu celebration of Guru Purnima is a time to pay tribute to one of the greatest sages in history, the day is also celebrated by Buddhists. In Bhutan, people mark the occasion with a special festival. Guru Purnima is a day to commemorate all the gurus who have impacted our lives and shaped the course of our spiritual development. In the ancient Hindu calendar, Guru Purnima falls on the first full moon day of the Ashada month.

On Guru Purnima, the day when the world celebrates the gurus, people of all faiths should take the time to meditate and chant prayers dedicated to the gurus. The prayers should be focused on the guru, Lord Vishnu, and Guru Devo Maheshwara. The mantra Tasami Shri Guruvey Namah is used to honor the gurus and students of all religions. The phrase “guru” refers to the god or gods who lead us to the path of light.

Some Mantras about Guru

Followings are some Mantras related to Gurus.

ॐ गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात्परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ।।

Gurur Brahmā gurur Vishnur, gurur devo Maheśvarah,
Guruh sākshāt param brahma tasmai śrī-gurave namah.

English Meaning: The Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation), the Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance), the Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation). My Salutation to such a Guru, who is verily the Supreme God.

Invocation to Patanjali


योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां, मलं शारीरस्य च वैद्यकेन । योऽपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनां, पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोऽस्मि।

Yogena chittasya padena vāchām, malam śhārīrasya cha vaidyakena.

Yo’pākarottam pravaram munīnām, patañjalim prāñjalirā nato’smi.

English Meaning: Yoga to purify the consciousness, Grammar to purify the speech, and Ayurveda to purify the body, is offered by the noblest of sages, Patanjali, I salute to him with clasped hands. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Anusara Invocation


ॐ नमः शिवाय गुरवे, सच्चिदानन्द मूर्तये । निष्प्रपञ्चाय शान्ताय, निरालम्बाय तेजसे ॥
Om Namah Shivāya Gurave, Sachhidānanda Murtaye.
āya Shāntaaya, Nirālambāya Tejase.

English Meaning : I offer myself to the Light, who is the True Teacher , within and without (the teacher of all teachers),  Who assumes the forms of  Reality, Consciousness and Bliss, Who is never absent and is full of peace,  Independent in its existence,  It is the vital essence of illumination.

Ashtanga Invocation

ॐ  वन्दे गुरूणां चरणारविन्दे, संदर्शितस्वात्मसुखावबोधे । 

निःश्रेयसे जाङ्गलिकायमाने, संसारहालाहलमोहशान्त्यै ।।

आबाहुपुरुषाकारं शङ्खचक्रासिधारिणम्, सहस्रशिरसं श्वेतं,  प्रणमामि पतञ्जलिम् ॥ॐ॥ 

Om Vande gurūnām charanāravinde, Samdarśita-svātma-sukhāavabodhe.

Nihśreyase jāngali-kāyamāne, Samsāra-hālāhala-moha-śāntyai.

Abāhu-purushākāram, Sankha-cakrāsi-dhārinam.

Sahasra-śirasam śvetam, Pranamāmi patañjalim.

English Meaning: Om, I bow to the lotus feet of the Gurus, who awaken insight into the happiness of one’s own pure Soul; who are the refuge, the Jungle physicians, who eliminate the delusion caused by the poison of samsara.

Taking the form of a man to the shoulders, holding a Shankha (conch shell), chakra (a disc/wheel), and a sword, one thousands white headed Sage Patanjali, I prostate you! Om.



Picture of Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand

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Sri Yogi Anand
Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Yogi, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Master. Formerly Software engineer, and musician. He is an eloquent orator, writer, and founder of Adwait Foundation and Adwait Yoga School.

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