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Sri Yogi Anand, Adwait

Sri Yogi Anand’s life story is one marked by the quest for truth, an odyssey that took him from the temporal to the eternal, from the physical to the metaphysical. The tapestry of his life is woven with threads of deep spiritual insights, unwavering discipline, and an unquenchable thirst for the ancient wisdom of Yoga. The founding of the Adwait Yoga School stands as a testament to his journey and his commitment to sharing the knowledge that transformed his life with others.

Profile of Sri Yogi Anand on Yoga Alliance Website.

yogi anand adwait yoga school


Early Life and Spiritual Awakening

Born in the late 20th century in a modest town in India, Yogi Anand’s childhood was seemingly ordinary, yet it was steeped in the rich spiritual traditions of his lineage. His parents, although not overtly religious, were culturally rooted in the principles of Dharma (righteous living) and Karma (the law of cause and effect). From a tender age, Anand displayed an unusual sense of introspection and would often be found lost in thought, contemplating the deeper meanings of the stories and teachings that were part of his heritage.

As a teenager, Anand encountered a pivotal moment that set the direction for the rest of his life. He stumbled upon a tattered copy of the Bhagavad Gita, the 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata. The profound dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna struck a chord in him, igniting an insatiable desire to understand the true nature of existence and the self. This marked the beginning of his spiritual awakening.

The Quest for Knowledge

Anand’s passion for spiritual knowledge was not limited to Hindu scriptures. He delved into various philosophies and teachings, drawing from sources as diverse as Buddhism, Jainism, Sufism, and Christian mysticism. However, it was the philosophy of Adwaita Vedanta, which expounds non-dualism or the belief in the essential unity of the soul and Brahman (the Absolute), that resonated with him the most.

Eager to gain authentic experience, Anand left home at the age of eighteen, seeking the tutelage of sadhus and yogis. His journey took him to the Himalayas, the abode of ancient wisdom and spirituality. It was here, amidst the snow-capped peaks and the serene Ganges, that Anand’s understanding of Yoga deepened.

The Himalayan Hermitage

In the Himalayas, Anand encountered a hermit, a yogi of great renown who was said to have attained self-realization. This sage, known simply as Baba-ji, became Anand’s guru. Under Baba-ji’s guidance, Anand practiced intense meditation and yoga, embracing a life of asceticism and rigorous self-discipline.

For years, he lived a life detached from the worldly pursuits, engaging in deep meditation (Dhyana) and studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which became the cornerstone of his practice. He experienced profound states of consciousness and came to understand the intricacies of the mind, Prana (life force), and the subtle body.

A Vision of Service

One day, as he sat in deep meditation by the river, Anand had a vision that changed the course of his life. He realized that true enlightenment was not in renunciation alone, but in service. He understood that his spiritual attainments were not merely for personal liberation, but for the upliftment of humanity. This realization prompted a new phase in his life, where he resolved to take the wisdom of the Himalayas to the world.

Return to Society and Founding of Adwait Yoga School

Returning to the plains, Yogi Anand was a transformed being. He carried within him an unshakable peace and a profound understanding of the Yoga tradition. He felt a strong call to share this ancient wisdom in a way that was accessible and relevant to the contemporary seeker.

With this mission, Anand founded the Adwait Yoga School. The name ‘Adwait’, meaning ‘non-dual’ in Sanskrit, reflected his core teaching that the ultimate nature of the self is not separate from the universe. The school was established as a sanctuary for all those who sought truth beyond the boundaries of religion and creed.

The Philosophy of Adwait Yoga School

Adwait Yoga School was built upon the principles of holistic well-being, integrating the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of Yoga. Anand emphasized that Yoga was not merely a physical exercise but a way of life that led to self-realization.

He structured his teachings around the classical eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, which include Yama (ethical standards), Niyama (self-discipline), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (bliss or enlightenment).

Teaching and Expansion

Yogi Anand’s approach to teaching was characterized by compassion and a personalized touch. He believed that each student was unique and that Yoga should serve individual needs. His classes included practical sessions of Hatha Yoga, profound discussions on Raja Yoga, and meditation retreats for experiencing inner silence.

As his reputation grew, so did the Adwait Yoga School. What began as a small ashram soon attracted seekers from around the world. Anand’s teachings were now not limited to the confines of his school; he was invited to share his insights at international Yoga conferences, universities, and spiritual gatherings globally.

Challenges and Triumphs

Anand’s journey was not without challenges. The commercialization of Yoga and the dilution of its essence was a constant concern. He often spoke out against the reduction of Yoga to mere fitness regimens, stressing the importance of its spiritual dimension. His stand sometimes put him at odds with contemporary Yoga movements, but he remained steadfast in his vision.

His triumphs, however, far outweighed the challenges. The Adwait Yoga School became a beacon of authentic Yoga practice, attracting those who were serious about the spiritual aspects of Yoga. Anand’s students went on to become teachers themselves, spreading the school’s teachings far and wide.

The Legacy

Sri Yogi Anand’s life is a testament to the transformative power of Yoga. Through his teachings, he has illuminated the paths of countless seekers. His legacy is carried forward not only by the Adwait Yoga School but also through the books he authored, his recorded talks, and most importantly, the lives he touched.

In his later years, Anand spoke of the ‘Yoga of Synthesis’ – a harmonious blending of different Yoga paths suited to the needs of the current age. He remained a guiding light, a teacher who lived by example, and a visionary who saw the potential of Yoga to heal not just individuals but societies and the world at large.

The Adwait Yoga School, nestled at the heart of where modernity meets tradition, continues to thrive, embodying the spirit of its founder. Sri Yogi Anand, even after his passing, remains a symbol of the eternal Yogi—ever in union with the divine, ever in service to humanity.

What he teaches

Teachings of Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand, the visionary founder of Adwait Yoga School, devoted his life to the practice and teaching of Yoga, Meditation, and various Healing Systems. Under his guidance, the school became a repository of knowledge for several forms of these ancient practices. Here we delve into the diverse types of Yoga, Meditation, and Healing Systems that were central to his teachings.

Types of Yoga

Sri Yogi Anand’s approach to Yoga was comprehensive, integrating various styles and forms to cater to the spiritual and physical needs of his students. The main types of Yoga taught under his tutelage included:

  1. Hatha Yoga: The foundation of physical practices, Hatha Yoga at Adwait focused on Asanas (postures) and Pranayama (breath control) to prepare the body for deeper spiritual practices. Anand emphasized the importance of mastering the body to harmonize and balance the flow of prana (vital life force).

  2. Raja Yoga: Also known as the “royal path,” Raja Yoga was taught as a means to self-discipline and self-discovery. It included the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, leading to the ultimate goal of Samadhi (enlightenment or union with the divine).

  3. Kundalini Yoga: Sri Yogi Anand has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 1984, his childhood. Since then he has been practicing it and later he started teaching this holistic Yoga to the worldwide people.

  4. Bhakti Yoga: The path of devotion and love was a significant aspect of Anand’s teachings. He encouraged practices that cultivate a deep emotional connection to the divine, including singing, chanting, and other devotional rituals.

  5. Karma Yoga: Anand instilled the importance of selfless action without attachment to results as a means to purification and spiritual growth. Students were encouraged to engage in service within the ashram and the broader community.

  6. Jnana Yoga: The path of wisdom and knowledge involved an inquiry into the nature of reality. Anand’s satsangs (spiritual discourses) often revolved around the teachings of non-dualism, encouraging students to contemplate the nature of the self and the universe.

  7. Tantra Yoga: Tantra was taught not in the commonly misunderstood Western sense but as a profound and esoteric practice that uses symbols, rituals, and energy work to transcend the physical and enter higher states of consciousness.

Meditation Techniques

Sri Yogi Anand was a master of Dhyana (meditation), and under his guidance, students learned various techniques:

  1. Mantra Meditation: The repetition of sacred sounds or phrases was used to focus the mind and tap into deeper vibrations of consciousness.

  2. Vipassana: A Buddhist technique of insight meditation, Vipassana was taught to observe the mind and phenomena in the body objectively, leading to a deep understanding of the nature of reality.

  3. Chakra Meditation: This involved focusing on the energy centers within the body, using visualization and mantras to activate and balance the chakras.

  4. Mindfulness Meditation: Anand emphasized the practice of being present in the moment, observing thoughts and sensations without judgment to cultivate a state of detached awareness.

  5. Transcendental Meditation: This technique involved meditating with a personalized mantra to settle the mind into a state of profound rest and relaxation, transcending ordinary thought processes.

  6. Contemplative Meditation: Here, students reflected on philosophical or spiritual truths, allowing them to assimilate these deeper into their consciousness.

Healing Systems

The Adwait Yoga School under Anand also embraced several healing systems that complemented the practice of Yoga and Meditation:

  1. Pranic Healing: A system that manipulates the body’s life energy (prana) to heal and balance the physical and energetic bodies.

  2. Reiki: As a Reiki master, Anand taught students to channel universal life energy for healing themselves and others, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

  3. Ayurveda: The traditional Indian system of medicine was integral to his teachings, with guidance on diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies to maintain balance among the body’s doshas (constitutions).

  4. Sound Healing: Utilizing the power of sound vibrations from instruments like singing bowls and gongs, sound healing sessions were conducted to induce relaxation and healing.

  5. Yoga Nidra: A state of conscious deep sleep for extreme relaxation and subtler spiritual exploration was also part of the curriculum, often used as a therapeutic tool for healing deep-seated psychological issues.

  6. Yoga Therapy: Tailored Yoga practices were designed to address individual health issues, combining asanas, pranayama, meditation, and dietary advice for holistic healing.

  7. Nature Cure: Emphasizing the healing aspects of nature, Anand incorporated techniques like sunbathing, air baths, and hydrotherapy into the regimen.

Sri Yogi Anand’s profound understanding of these diverse practices allowed him to create a unique synthesis tailored to the needs of the modern seeker. His teachings at the Adwait Yoga School reflected a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, making the timeless wisdom of Yoga, Meditation, and Healing accessible and applicable in today’s world.


What his Students are Saying

Read the testimonials and feedback of some of his students of Adwait Yoga School.


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