7 best Yoga asanas for Strong and Toned Glutes

If you’re looking for a way to improve your body’s stamina and tone up your glutes, look no further. Yoga provides a great combination of muscle-building and cardio elements. You’ll burn fat and build muscle while reducing stress and anxiety. Yoga asanas are excellent for strengthening your core muscles and improving your stamina. It also reduces stress and boosts mental focus.

The glutes and hamstrings are two significant areas of the body that develop strength and tone. An excellent way to target these areas is to do exercises that isolate the glutes and hamstrings.
For beginners, a great starting point is the seated leg rotation pose. These yoga poses are perfect for beginners as it helps assess posture and strengthens the back.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana is a good yoga pose for strengthening and toning the thighs and glutes. This pose also works on your chest muscles and arms. However, it is essential to ensure you follow the proper form. Performing this yoga pose should be done with the assistance of an experienced trainer. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, discontinue the practice.

There are many variations of the this pose. Some are beginner-friendly, while you should only perform others under the supervision of a trainer. In addition, the pose is excellent for relieving stress. It also promotes greater strength in the upper and lower body, improves immunity, and prevents obesity-related health problems.

Utkatasana is a connecting yoga pose that is known for building muscle mass. It stretches the legs, glutes, back, chest, shoulders, and neck. This pose is also famous for burning fat.

Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3 Yoga Pose)

A lady do Yoga

Virabhadrasana III is an excellent yoga asana to tone and strengthens your buttocks. This pose will also strengthen and stretch your thighs, hips and shoulders.

To perform this asana, you must first be comfortable on your knees. If you cannot lift your feet enough, you may try adding a block between your feet and the floor. It will help you focus on your lower body and make this posture more challenging.

Having the proper balance in this pose can be a challenge. You should hold this pose for at least a few breaths. You may use a wall or a chair to help keep you balanced. It would help if you kept the hips lifted so that your buttocks remain firm. The buttocks are one of the most critical muscles for strengthening and toning. To get the most benefit, you should focus on these muscles.

Performing this pose regularly will strengthen your buttocks. This asana will also stretch your hamstrings and quadriceps. You should hold the pose for about ten seconds. It can improve your concentration by holding this pose for extended periods. You can also practice this asana multiple times.

Salabhasana (locust Pose)

A lady do Yoga asanas

Salabhasana also called the Locust pose, is a powerful yoga asana. It stimulates the internal organs and improves blood circulation. You may even find relief from lower back pain. Before you start practicing this yoga asana, it is best to warm up your muscles and limbs. You can be done with a few rounds of Sun Salutation A and B.

If you have recently had abdominal hernia surgery or have a peptic ulcer, you should not perform this yoga asana. The key to properly executing the pose is proper alignment. 

In this asana, you should start with your feet together. Bend your knees slightly and lift your hips off the floor. Hold this position for five breaths. Make sure you are breathing deeply.

After that, you should straighten your leg. Hold this for thirty seconds. Repeat this exercise until you feel that you have built enough strength.

Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Yoga Pose)

Purvottanasana is a basic yoga asana that can help tone and strengthen your glutes. Performing this yoga posture will require tremendous strength in your arms and shoulders. It would help if you did it on an empty stomach.

The best time to perform this yoga asana is early in the morning. However, it is also advisable to practice it after your last meal. This yoga asana requires excellent concentration and focus. It can use to boost your energy levels and calm your mind.

First, ensure that your knees are bent, and your feet are firmly on the floor. If you have any injuries to the wrist, you should consult a certified fitness trainer before doing the asana. Once your legs and wrists are in place, you should lift your right leg to the hip level. Press down with the other leg to maintain your pelvis elevated. Repeat the action twice.

It will stretch your back, shoulders, and butt during this asana. Aside from building your strength, this posture will also improve your concentration. As an added benefit, this yoga can help improve your digestion and blood pressure. You should not do this yoga if you have low blood pressure, heart disease, or arthritis.

This yoga can be very challenging for beginners. Significantly, the Kona Purvottanasana requires greater strength than the base pose. While you can include this asana in your flow yoga sequences, starting with a simpler version is better.

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

A lady do Asanas practice

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana is a pose that contracts the muscles of the gluteus maximus, the hamstrings and the shoulders. It stretches the spine and improves flexibility and posture. In addition, it improves the strength and flexibility of the sciatic nerve.

This pose strengthens the glutes, the hips and the hamstrings. You can use a chair to assist you in this pose. When you come out, straighten your right leg. Practicing Utthita Hasta Padangustasana can also help you with a minor hamstring injury. It is considered one of the best yoga asanas for building and toning your glutes.

In Utthita Hasta Padangustasana, you can engage the inner thigh muscles, known as Mula Bandha, which creates stability. Your pelvic floor and the pubic bone are also lifted, which helps to increase the intensity of this pose.

To get into this pose, you should begin on all fours. Then, lift the back of your torso and legs until they are parallel to the ground. Holding several breaths, release your hands to the sides of the body. Afterward, you can stretch your arms and neck out.

Aside from strengthening the hamstrings and glutes, the other benefits of this pose include calming the body, increasing concentration and improving your posture. The hips and the rib cage are also opened in this pose. This pose can be a challenge for some people. If you are having trouble, try holding a chair or a yoga strap.

Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Yoga Pose)


Anjaneyasana is a deep stretch yoga asana that can help you achieve solid and toned glutes. It improves your posture, strengthens your legs, and opens your hips. The best time to practice this asana is on an empty stomach in the mornings. It also helps you relax and calm your mind. 

There are many variations of Anjaneyasana. For example, you can use your hands to support your torso as you draw your back knee toward the ground. You can also use your palms to align your shoulders with your spine.

Keeping your body erect and your shoulders stacked will also improve your concentration. Try to avoid clenching your tummy and not opening your knees. Practicing this posture twice daily will help you get the desired results.

Aside from helping you achieve a toned tush, the benefits of this pose include reducing your blood pressure, improving your digestion, and stimulating your internal organs. To increase the intensity of the stretch, you can bend your elbows from the standing position. This will provide some relief for your low back and will strengthen your abdominal muscles.

If you are having trouble with this asana, you can use a yoga block to make it easier. You can place the block under your breastbone or your hands on the mat behind you. Another variation is the Parivrtta Anjaneyasana. You lift your left arm up and toward the ceiling in this variation. Also, you bend your left knee.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Yoga Pose)

Setu Bandhasana also known as the bridge pose, is an excellent beginner-level yoga asana for strengthening and toning your glutes. This simple yoga asana takes about 30 to 60 seconds, depending on your fitness level.

It is a yogic asana that helps to strengthen your glutes. It is also a good stretch for your neck, chest, and hips. The Setu Bandhasana yoga asana will strengthen your glutes and improve your flexibility and circulation. It will also stretch your chest, neck, and spine and help to relieve stress and pain.

When you start your practice, it is difficult to maintain this pose. However, it will become easier over time. Try to hold the pose for about five rounds of breath. As you strengthen your glutes, it will become easier to hold this pose. You can do Locust Pose before or after completing a full bridge pose. This pose helps to relieve lower back pain and tension.


Yoga has many benefits for the entire body. Some of them are improved strength and endurance, improved digestion, and increased flexibility. It may even help with back pain. However, you should take a comprehensive health plan into account to achieve maximum benefit from the practice.

Yoga stretches the strength and flexibility of the leg muscles, such as squats are suitable for building glute strength. A good butt workout will lift your bum and give you a toned look. In addition, these yoga practices can help to relieve back and joint pain. One of the most important muscle groups in your body is the glutes. These muscles support your back and keep your knees and hips straight.


Picture of Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand

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Sri Yogi Anand
Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Yogi, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Master. Formerly Software engineer, and musician. He is an eloquent orator, writer, and founder of Adwait Foundation and Adwait Yoga School.

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