How to remain calm in the time of crisis

Learning how to remain calm yourself in time of crisis is a vital skill in life. Modern stress is inevitable, but some people experience it more frequently than others. To help you cope, here are some techniques to help you stay calm in a stressful situation. Try to avoid using physical expressions of anger. These only exacerbate feelings of anger and anxiety, and can cause further damage to your mental health. Instead, focus on visualizing yourself as calm and relaxed. This exercise can reduce anxiety and reduce feelings of fear.

First, practice the let go technique of Meditation. When stressed, your mind often wanders and worries start to surface. Try to avoid thinking about the worst case scenario and focus on positive thoughts. The worst thing you can think is “what if…”, which triggers pure panic and forces your mind to process hypothetical scenarios. It is better to focus on the present, so that you can stay calm. Then, think of something else that can happen in the future.

Second, focus on breathing, or in yogic terms practice  Pranayama. Breathing is an important part of holistic healing therapy – Yoga. Breathing deeply can trigger your body to relax and calm down. This simple technique will help you focus and keep calm. It is important to focus on the present moment and positive things , and not on the worst case scenario. 

You should learn different breathing techniques from a short term yoga training course like 50 hour Yoga Teacher Training program from any Yoga Alliance registered School available in your area.

What are the types of Crises

emotional crisis

There are different types of crises. Some of them are sudden  or short term and some are long-term. Acute stressors are short-term and are caused by situations you cannot control. Chronic stressors are created by a disease or a medical condition. There are two categories of stressors: personal and non-personal. Personal stressors are things that you can do nothing about. Trigger stressors are things that remind you of stressful situations in your past.

Stressors are the things that make our lives difficult. There are two types of stress: objective and subjective. The former cause stress in one person, while the latter causes a different reaction in another. Therefore, identifying the source of your crisis will be the first step in coping with the problem. In most cases, stressors are easy to control. So, how do you manage stress? The best way is to learn how to calm oneself during a crisis.

A stressor can be either an objective or a subjective one. The former are universal and can affect anyone. The latter are situations that can cause you to feel out of control. Usually, these are situations that you have no control over. They can lead to changes in your eating habits, which can lead to health problems. But, the good news is that if you learn how to manage them, you will be able to live a better life.

Strategies to Calm oneself

breathing practice to calm oneself during crisis

The most effective strategies to calm oneself in time of crisis are those that focus on concrete tasks, commit to a reasonable course of action, and avoid negative thoughts. These strategies are based on science, but they are not effective in every situation. During a stressful situation, the best approach is to think positively, avoid thinking about the worst case scenario, and limit your exposure to stressful situations and news.

Often, when faced with a crisis, individuals get caught up in negative thoughts, which can be about past experiences, current situations, or future events. These negative thoughts can make a person feel tense and worried about the future. Consequently, people develop coping mechanisms that enable them to release these feelings and avoid suffering from mental illnesses.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation are two of the most effective strategies to combat the stressors. These practices are rooted in being present in the moment, and they can be practiced anywhere, anytime. When you practice mindfulness, you will feel calmer and more confident. These techniques are also easily adaptable and can be used anywhere. They can be practiced in any situation, and they can help you get out of a stressful situation more quickly.

By keeping in mind that you have control of your environment, you can help yourself to control your response to stress. Try to remind yourself that you can change the environment around you to make it more pleasant for you. For example, you can create a more pleasant listening environment or use props to make your seat more comfortable. These are just a few tips that will help you in times of crisis. They’ll help you deal with the situation in a more efficient way

Video of Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Effects of Crises

how crises effects a person

How a crisis affects an individual differs from one individual to another. Moreover, traumatic events can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety disorders. Symptoms of these conditions include flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbance, and increased anxiety. These symptoms can interfere with the patient’s daily life. Treatment for PTSD can include psychotherapy and medications. 

Physiological psychological, emotional effects of the crisis may range from mild to severe. The most serious ones can lead to psychological disorders. People who have recently suffered from a traumatic event may experience a variety of symptoms, including depression, insomnia, and delusions. These reactions may also lead to chronic problems. Fortunately, most of these problems are short-term, and recovery can be complete over time. However, many individuals may never be able to fully recover. If the situation is severe enough, they may develop long-term psychotic conditions such as PTSD.

During a traumatic event, people will experience a range of emotions, including shock, fear, anger, and sadness. This can persist for a long time, or even recur. In addition, environmental sensations and sounds can trigger feelings of anxiety and depression. The resulting emotions can make people feel numb and unable to function normally. These symptoms are very real and can lead to serious health issues.

Right time to walk away

how to calm during crisis

There are times when the urge to act on your impulses is too strong to resist. When you’re faced with an irresistible temptation, try writing down the pros and cons of resisting the urge. If you don’t do so, it will become a sunk cost and may turn into a sinkhole. If the situation is severe, consider counseling or other relationship tools to help your partner overcome their resistance.

When you’re overwhelmed or under pressure, it’s often a good idea to take a break. Whether you’re dealing with your boss, your biggest client, or your most challenging client, removing yourself from the situation will help you remain calm. You can use this time to re-evaluate the relationship and figure out how best to help the person you’re dealing with.

You should consider reevaluating your client relationship. If a client is abusive, you might need to reconsider your relationship with them. If they’re a client, you need to take their needs into consideration. The client’s needs are unmanageable, and you need to protect yourself. 


Thus, while managing a crisis, the most important qualities for an individual are being present, decisive and flexible.

During a crisis, person must project a sense of calm and openness which will help them to take immediate action and implement key plans. This skill can help you manage the stress of the situation and prevent heart attacks or panic attacks. Many great leaders have developed the ability to remain calm during high-pressure situations and are examples of how you can do the same. Developing a calm state of mind is a crucial part of peak performance and requires practice, self-assurance, and understanding the situation.

In stressful situations, it’s common to think negatively. These thoughts only increase your panic and make you relive the situation by thinking about the worst case scenario. When you’re in a stressful situation, it’s important to keep your mind focused on the positive, and stay away from negative thoughts. Those negative thoughts can make you spiral into a frenzy and cause you to lose your patience.

 It’s important to remember that the more you can remain calm in stressful situations, the more able you’ll be to respond appropriately to the situation. Even if the situation does not go as planned, try to look for opportunities to learn and grow. This mentality is very powerful and can help you remain calm in even the worst of situations.


Picture of Meghna Banerjee

Meghna Banerjee

Meghna Banerjee is a Psychologist, and is certified RYT500 Yoga Teacher. She writes blogs, articles and teaches Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Awakening around the world.

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Sri Yogi Anand
Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Yogi, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Master. Formerly Software engineer, and musician. He is an eloquent orator, writer, and founder of Adwait Foundation and Adwait Yoga School.

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