Many asanas are suitable for people with diabetes. One of these is called Surya Mudra, which translates to “Gesture of the Sun.” This pose is perfect for anyone with diabetes because it increases fire in the body and promotes metabolism. It also helps reduce stress and fatigue. This Postures can also help treat digestive disorders.

Another asana that is effective for people with diabetes is the Ardha Matsyendrasana. This asana helps regulate blood glucose levels by massaging the organs and glands in the body. It also stimulates insulin production in the pancreas. You will need to be able to sit in a comfortable position and close your right nostril with your fingertips.

One of the best ways to manage diabetes is to practice yoga. It’s not a physical workout, but it can help control blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. It can even help people with diabetes lose weight and incorporate low-GI foods into their diet. In addition, yoga can improve the blood flow in the body, which is essential for healthy organs.

Many studies have indicated that regular yoga reduces the risk of diabetes-related complications. A significant component of diabetes-related sudden death is cardiac autonomic dysfunction, which can improve with common yoga practice. Furthermore, yoga improves heart rate, coagulation profile, and nerve conduction, improving cognitive function. While yoga’s benefits are still determined, it’s important to remember that it’s essential to evaluate each patient individually to determine if it is appropriate for their particular needs.

Balasana (Child Pose)

A lady practice Yoga asanas for Diabetes

Balasana is a yoga that can be beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels. This twisting pose stimulates the abdominal organs and helps to lower blood sugar levels. It can also help to reduce stiffness in the back and hips. To practice Child Pose for diabetes, you should lie on your back with your legs together. Then, with your hands supporting your knees, roll over onto your right side. Then, return to Child Pose.

Child Pose is a yoga posture that helps stretch the hip and back muscles and promotes mental relaxation. It is easy to do. To perform the pose, kneel and lean forward, keeping your forehead on the floor. You can also fold your arms and hold them straight in front of your body. While performing the pose, breathe deeply and slowly. It will help your body produce more insulin.

Another yoga posture that can help control diabetes is the seated bow pose. This yoga pose helps relieve pent-up stress, relax muscles, and promote healthy heart and pancreas circulation. The posture is beneficial for people with diabetes. To perform the pose:

  1. Start by sitting on a flat surface.
  2. Bend your knees so your feet are firmly on the floor.
  3. Hold your hands together.
  4. Slowly increase the duration of each posture.

Yoga focuses on breath and movement, and many poses have proven beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels. Combined with daily walking, these poses can help manage diabetes and its complications. Yoga is a spiritual practice that originated in India and has gained widespread popularity worldwide. It can also help build stamina and improve overall health.

Yoga Asanas for Diabetes: Mandukasana

A lady do yoga postures

Mandukasana, a yoga posture, can be used to help control diabetes. This pose is a great way to increase blood flow and reduce the amount of glucose produced. It also helps to relax the mind and improve concentration. They can also use it to help people with diabetes find a balance between exercise and eating healthy.

This yoga posture works the glutes, hip flexors, and spinal muscles. It’s best performed on an empty stomach and at least four to six hours before a meal. Yoga asanas for diabetes can gradually increase the duration of this posture, but the main thing to remember is to breathe deeply throughout. Those with diabetes should start with this posture in the morning or evening. It’s also important to remember that this yoga pose is not suitable for people with recent injuries or surgeries.

Mandukasana helps people with diabetes by improving the functions of the pancreas, intestines, and kidneys. It also increases the strength of the muscles, which helps with blood sugar regulation. It also promotes relaxation and increases the production of insulin-producing beta cells.

Performing Mandukasana regularly can help the body produce more insulin and prevent diseases like diabetes. It is the most commonly recommended asana for patients with diabetes. Nevertheless, it should not be used as a substitute for medical attention.


A lady practicing corpse postures

Many people may not know how beneficial Shavasana is for controlling diabetes. This yoga pose involves stretching the abdominal muscles and increases insulin secretion. It also reduces belly fat and minimizes the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. You should lie on the ground, breathe deeply, and raise your legs.

Stand with your legs bent and arms at the sides. Your right foot should be resting against your left thigh. Your left leg should rest on the floor beneath your right leg. Relax our arms, neck, and shoulders. Hold the pose for 10 minutes or longer.

This yoga posture stimulates the thyroid and intestines, regulating blood sugar levels. It also relieves stress and improves blood circulation. They also improve your mood and prevents backache, headaches, and insomnia. Moreover, it helps to strengthen the lower back by strengthening the muscles.

It is a simple yoga pose that you can perform at home daily. You will need a yoga mat and some props. Place your hands alongside the body and bend your elbows. Keep your shoulders flexed.

Yoga Asanas for Diabetes: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)


The Mountain Pose helps control blood sugar levels in the body. It also improves overall strength. It can be performed in a chair or on the floor. While performing this pose, it is important to breathe normally.

You can hold this posture for five to ten minutes. It requires perfect technique and concentration. It increases strength and flexibility of the spine and knees and reduces stress, a factor in diabetes. Yoga asanas for diabetes promote better circulation and insulin sensitivity. It also helps you lose weight.

This restorative yoga asana is a great way to control diabetes. It will use the legs, arms, and pelvic muscles to balance the weight. You should lie flat, spread your legs, and extend your arms. It should stay in this pose for at least 30 seconds, then slowly return to its original position. You can perform this pose morning or evening. Make sure to do it on an empty stomach, and do not perform this pose if you are undergoing surgery or have a recent injury.

Besides helping people with diabetes control their blood sugar, yoga helps people with diabetes maintain a healthy weight and improves their mental health. Stress is often a contributing factor in diabetes, so regular yoga can help you avoid diabetic complications.

Yoga Asanas for Diabetes: Bhujangasana

A lady do Yoga asanas For diabetes

Bhujangasana is a powerful posture that can control blood sugar. This asana stimulates the liver and pancreas, critical organs in the body for controlling blood sugar. It is also beneficial for people with diabetes because it helps the pancreas produce insulin and improves its function. This is essential to practice the pose correctly and in a relaxed state to not cause any strain on the body.

The body should be able to hold the pose for at least five to ten minutes. The posture has many benefits, including reducing stress, improving concentration, and promoting flexibility and mobility. It also reduces lower blood pressure, regulates sugar levels, and improves circulation. It is also helpful for people with asthma, as it helps control the condition’s symptoms.

Another important reason for practicing Bhujangasana is its stimulation of the abdomen. It also works the glutes, oblique muscles, and spinal muscles. To perform this pose:

  1. Lie flat and spread your legs and arms.
  2. Extend your right and left knees, bend your back, and stretch your arms to the side.
  3. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat it at least 30 times.
  4. For maximum benefits, perform the asana on an empty stomach.

The best time to practice this yoga pose is before or 4 hours after a meal. It recommends performing this posture before breakfast and at least four hours after dinner.

Yoga Asanas for Diabetes: Paschimottanasana

A lady do yoga

Paschimottanasana, or the back pose, is one of the best postures for people with diabetes. It works by strengthening the vertebral column and improving breathing. It can also help lower blood sugar levels. Whether you have diabetes or are trying to lose weight, this pose can significantly help.

The posture stimulates the thyroid gland and the abdominal organs, promoting digestion and preventing constipation. It also works on the entire body’s muscles. It also incorporates breathing exercises called pranayama. These are particularly effective for diabetes control because they calm the mind and body.

It should perform the posture every morning and evening. It can be a bit difficult at first, so practice slowly. Aim for a 20 to 40-minute practice each day. Focus on maintaining posture while breathing deeply. Paschimottanasana is excellent for managing diabetes as it stimulates the pancreas, strengthens the abdominal muscles, and helps revitalize the nervous system. It’s also a perfect stress buster.

The benefits of Paschimottanasana go beyond diabetes. When performed correctly, the asana can help prevent the development of type 1 diabetes and alleviate its symptoms. Start slowly with a trainer or yoga instructor, and build up your practice based on your body’s needs.


Dhanurasana is an excellent way to improve blood circulation and ease the symptoms of diabetes. This pose, also known as the seated bow pose, helps relieve stress, relax the body, and improve circulation to the heart and pancreas. Beginners should hold the pose for three to six breaths.

This yoga pose improves the functioning of the pancreas, intestines, and other organs that regulate blood sugar levels. It also helps to stimulate the kidneys and thyroid glands. It also improves the health of the lower back and supports the legs. The pose is particularly beneficial for people with diabetes because it strengthens the spine and improves the function of the abdominal organs.

Dhanurasana helps restore normal pancreatic function, pushing more insulin into the blood. Additionally, it strengthens the spine and regulates the pulse. They can even improve menstrual problems.

Another way to improve blood glucose control is to practice the shoulder stand or a variation. This posture is considered an extension of the plow pose and promotes deeper stretching in the back and neck. 


One of the best ways to manage diabetes is to practice yoga. It’s not a physical workout, but it can help control blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. It can even help people with diabetes lose weight and incorporate low-GI foods into their diet. All these Poses help control blood sugar levels in the body. It also improves the overall strength of muscles.


Picture of Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand

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Sri Yogi Anand
Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Yogi, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Master. Formerly Software engineer, and musician. He is an eloquent orator, writer, and founder of Adwait Foundation and Adwait Yoga School.

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