What is Breath of Fire in Kundalini Yoga?

Breath of Fire is a powerful breathing practice that helps to activate the flow of energy in the body and stimulate the Kundalini. It is one of the foundational breathing techniques in kundalini yoga (yoga of awareness). It opens and balances both sides of the lungs, increases voltage in the nervous system, and energizes and cleanses.

It also strengthens the core muscles. You can use this breath before most strenuous physical exercises or just by itself to energize and clear the mind. Some tingling sensations and light-headedness are normal as the body adjusts to this type of rapid breathing. Drinking plenty of water after a session is recommended.

It is a rapid rhythmic breath, a combination of active inhalation and passive exhalation, with no voluntary pauses between cycles. It is powered by the navel point and solar plexus (3rd chakra). The lower abdominal muscles are active while the diaphragm contracts to push out the air. The chest stays relaxed and slightly lifted. It is not a pumping of the belly like Bellows breath.

Beginners are advised to start with shorter increments of this breath, preferably not more than 30 seconds. For better results, it is important to have a good foundation in other breathing techniques such as Ujjayi and full yogic breath. This breathing technique can be overly strenuous for those not accustomed to it and may even cause hyperventilation or vertigo. It can also aggravate certain health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease.

What kind of energy is kundalini?

When you talk to someone about kundalini energy, it can often feel like they are talking about some kind of “snake power.” It is because kundalini is often described as the divine feminine goddess energy that lies dormant coiled like a snake at the base of the spine. In yoga practice, waking this energy up is known as a kundalini awakening.

It is a tremendous amount of energy and can be scary to those who are not prepared for it. It is why it is important to spend time practicing yoga and meditation so that you are ready for when the kundalini rises in you.

Practicing yoga is also a way to create more steadiness in your body, mind, and emotions so that the energy can flow smoothly and easily through you. If you try to raise kundalini without having this kind of preparation, the energy can become trapped in the body and cause many symptoms that are uncomfortable or even dangerous.

Yoga of awareness

The key is to trust that the kundalini is always there and it wants nothing more than for us to release our blockages to its flow. Once the energy is free to rise, it will gradually dissolve patterns, conditions, and delusions that keep you separate from your true self.

Kundalini is a tremendous gift but it must be approached with great caution. Think of it like an atom: if you don’t know what is in it, it might seem harmless but once you smash it open, it can release tremendous energy that can hurt you or the people around you.

What is the purpose of life kundalini yoga?

Kundalini is the divine feminine energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. She is often depicted as a coiled snake, which is why she is sometimes also called the “divine serpent.” Kundalini awakening occurs when this power awakens and moves up through the body’s energy centers or chakras. The energy reaches the crown chakra, where higher consciousness is triggered and can give you greater insight into your soul’s purpose and the nature of reality itself.

This intense spiritual experience is not for the faint of heart and can lead to some strange physical symptoms and emotional shifts. It is therefore important to seek guidance from an experienced teacher and guru if you are on this path.

Some people believe that a kundalini awakening is dangerous because it can bring about a variety of uncomfortable, even disruptive, physical, and mental symptoms. However, it is important to remember that kundalini energy is not innately dangerous and it is our energy blockages that can make an awakening painful, scary, or even dangerous.

The energy of kundalini can be triggered by meditation, yoga, prayer, breathwork, and many other forms of spiritual practice. It can also be triggered by work done to clear the energetic system of blockages such as trauma healing, Reiki, hypnotherapy, and so on. Finally, sexual energy can also stimulate kundalini if it is harnessed correctly using sacred tantric practices. However, if this isn’t done with care and integrity, it can cause a lot of havoc in the body and mind.

Why is kundalini yoga so powerful?

Kundalini Yoga is so powerful because of the way it combines bodywork, deep breathing practices, meditation, and chanting with the use of codes of conduct. It is a spiritual yoga that is designed to awaken and harness the energy of kundalini (coiled snake). It is believed that everyone has this energy at the base of their spine that they have access to, and releasing and tapping into it can lead to healing on both a physical and mental level.

A typical class of Kundalini yoga begins with a calming chant that is designed to tune into your vibration and bring you into the present moment, then moves into a series of postures called kriyas which are paired with breath work and meditation. Each kriya addresses one of the chakras, or energy centers, in the body. The yoga poses are often quite intense and you may be asked to hold a pose for longer than you would in other forms of exercise. There are also certain mudras or hand positions, that you will be asked to practice during a kriya to help balance the nervous system and promote wellness.

Kundalini is often referred to as “the yoga of awareness.” It trains the mind to be aware of the subtle energies that run throughout our body and the surrounding environment, giving you a greater sense of mindfulness and inner guidance. It is what enables you to trust your intuition and guide yourself through the challenges and opportunities life presents.

What happens when kundalini Is activated?

Awakening Kundalini is a spiritual experience that yogis believe can help you connect with your soul and true nature. It is commonly associated with the spiritual practice of yoga and can also be triggered by entheogenic drugs, meditation, or deep psychological work like Vipassana. It can feel intense and overwhelming but is typically a positive experience if you have prepared yourself in advance through kundalini yoga or other activation practices.

According to yogic theory, kundalini energy is coiled at the base of your spine and is often depicted as a serpent or goddess. Once awakened, it is said to move up the various energy centers or chakras of the body and trigger higher consciousness, helping you understand your soul’s purpose, life’s meaning, and reality itself.

During this process, it is common for people to have painful emotional experiences. It is believed to be a cleansing process that releases any blockages from your past and removes karmic residue from previous lifetimes. The energy is also believed to destroy your ego and free you from attachments to the material world. This phase is sometimes called the Ghata or purification stage.

Most people who have a kundalini awakening do so because of a deep spiritual commitment and are generally physically, mentally, and emotionally ready. However, it can occur spontaneously, with no prior training. Kundalini experiences are often misunderstood and mistaken for psychosis by medical professionals, so it’s important to seek guidance from a transpersonal or depth psychologist if you experience this sensation.

How do you control kundalini?

Kundalini is the energy that resides in the base of your spine like a coiled serpent, and yoga practitioners believe it can be awakened to create a spiritual awakening. When kundalini rises, it activates and releases the divine feminine energy of Shakti, which is responsible for creating and maintaining all that exists in the physical world.

This tremendous power is a force of awakening and deep enlightenment but needs to be accessed with the proper guidance, care, and caution. The key is to practice hatha yoga and meditation and learn how to control your mind and emotions, which will allow the energy to move in harmony with your being.

Many people start to experience kundalini energy awakening on their own without any formal training. They may feel heat or tingling along the spine and changes in their thoughts or emotions. It is important to be aware of these signs and symptoms and seek the guidance of a teacher, guru, or spiritual mentor who can help you navigate your awakening.

Kundalini can be tapped into through Hatha Yoga, which is the practice of postures and breathwork that balances the body and mind. It is also possible through Raja Yoga, which focuses on self-discipline and meditation to train the mind to be calm and focused so that the energy can rise in the right way.

Kundalini can also be stimulated through prayer, chanting, and meditating. It is important to keep in mind that, with any type of stimulation of kundalini, you can trigger a negative reaction as well as a positive response.


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Adwait Yoga

We are Adwait Yoga School, affiliated with Yoga Alliance USA and World Yoga Alliance. This school is run by a charitable trust - Adwait Foundation® registered with Government of India.

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Sri Yogi Anand
Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Yogi, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Master. Formerly Software engineer, and musician. He is an eloquent orator, writer, and founder of Adwait Foundation and Adwait Yoga School.

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