Yoga Ayurveda for hyperthyroidism


Holistic hyperthyroidism treatment focuses on removing the cause of thyroid dysfunction and reinstating balance. This may include diet, yoga, ayurvedic medication and stress management.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are rapid heartbeat, muscle weakness, loss of weight, increased sweating and heat intolerance. Typically, these symptoms occur in women in their 20’s.

Yoga Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that views the human body as a whole. It emphasizes the importance of reducing stress and focusing on diet, exercise, and other aspects of your lifestyle that promote health. It also emphasizes addressing the root cause of an imbalance rather than treating symptoms for the rest of your life.


The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the metabolic rate of the body. The thyroid may become overactive or underactive when these hormones are excessive or insufficient. This condition can cause either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, which are medical disorders.

Both conditions affect the function of the thyroid and can cause symptoms such as sensitivity to heat, nervousness, fatigue, weight gain or loss, insomnia, and muscle aches.

The underlying problem in hyperthyroidism is a derangement of the phlegm and mucus secretions produced by the thyroid gland, which stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. The excess production of these hormones can lead to many problems, including tremors, anxiety, hyper-mobility of the digestive system, weight gain or loss, and low serum cholesterol levels.

Yoga is a powerful tool in treating hyperthyroidism, as it can help stimulate the thyroid gland. In particular, yogic poses such as the child’s pose and cat-cow stretch can improve blood circulation to the thyroid gland.

Pranayama can also help regulate the flow of energy in the body. Some specific Pranayamas can use these techniques to relieve anxiety, tension, and depression.


The thyroid gland plays an essential role in the endocrine system. It produces hormones that regulate our metabolic activities and support the immune system. When the thyroid malfunctions, you may suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a condition that causes the thyroid gland to produce less of the hormone called thyroxine. Several things, including stress and diet can trigger the condition.

Another cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s. This can affect the thyroid as well as other organs in the body.

Other factors that can contribute to thyroid dysfunction include stress, diet, and an imbalance of iodine in the body. An Ayurvedic practitioner can work with you to identify the root cause of your disorder and prescribe a treatment plan that may involve detoxification, exercise, and dietary changes.

Ayurvedic treatment of hyperthyroidism involves a balancing approach that focuses on improving digestion, detoxifying the body and supporting immunity.

Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism is individualized for each individual, depending on the root cause of the problem. It starts with addressing diet and lifestyle factors, then addressing kapha and vata doshas, and finally, reducing or eliminating stress.

During an ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism, the digestive fire is strengthened to encourage proper metabolism. Throat and abdominal cleansing are done to clear the body’s channels and rejuvenate energy. Medicinal herbs increase the flow of thyroxin in the body and boost immunity.

According to Ayurveda, the body contains a combination of three doshas, or energy principles: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha governs different functions in the body, and each person has elements of all three.

While each dosha is dominant, it is common for one dosha to be more active than the other. This is called a tridoshic constitution, and most people have at least one dominant dosha, although most are primarily either vata or kapha.

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest medical systems in the world, and it seeks to balance mind, body, and spirit. In addition to treating the physical symptoms of hyperthyroidism, Ayurvedic treatment also works to correct the Dosha imbalance that causes the disease.

The Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism can be tailored to each individual’s unique needs. It includes a specialized diet, a detoxification program, and herbal remedies.

Ayurvedic doctors are trained to assess each patient’s health profile and determine the most effective treatment for the particular condition. They can then prescribe an Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism that will provide long-term relief from the condition.

The ayurvedic approach to treatment is holistic and supportive. It involves a combination of herbs, supplements, diet modifications, yoga and other Ayurvedic practices. Ayurvedic practitioners can also offer suggestions for lifestyle changes that can further reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Healthy Lifestyle

Yoga is an excellent place to start if you’re looking for a healthy lifestyle to help with your thyroid condition. Not only does it help you balance your body’s natural energy level, but it also reduces stress and improves digestion.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormones than it should. It can be a severe condition that requires medical attention. It can cause various symptoms, including increased heart rate and sweating.

Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism focuses on correcting the imbalance of doshas, reducing stress and cleansing the body to remove toxins. This holistic approach to health is effective in treating both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

It involves using herbs that stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more hormones. It can also include diet changes, exercise and medication.

One of the most important ways to prevent hyperthyroidism is by eating a healthy diet that contains plenty of nutrients. This includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A nutritious, balanced diet can help your body maintain healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Regular meals can also keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. A food diary can help you identify which foods work best for your needs.

Choosing a wholesome, organic and natural approach to your diet can help you feel more energetic and less sluggish during the day. A diet combining lean protein and healthy fats can keep your thyroid hormones at optimal levels.

Avoiding processed and refined foods is another step to a healthier lifestyle. This will help you avoid additives and preservatives that can make you feel sluggish or give you unwanted side effects.

It’s also essential to stay hydrated, which helps produce hormones in the thyroid gland. Drinking plenty of water and herbal tea is a good option.

Other lifestyle modifications that can help you manage your thyroid include practising yogic asanas, pranayama, and a healthy diet. Talking to an Ayurvedic practitioner about your situation and how to get started with treatment is also recommended.


If you have a thyroid disorder, you may need to take medications as a treatment. These can be combined with diet, yoga, and other natural remedies to help your body balance the doshas and improve the condition.

Thyroid disorders are common in men and women and can happen at any age. Symptoms can include weight gain, fatigue, and increased heart rate.

Ayurveda has a holistic approach to treating these conditions, and you can work with your doctor to find the best medication for you. You can also follow an ayurvedic diet to improve your thyroid health and help your body get back into its natural state.

One can use medications to treat hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and they can also be taken along with other ayurvedic medicines. They will help rebalance the doshas and reduce inflammation, which can cause or exacerbate symptoms of thyroid disease.

One can also take herbs to rebalance the doshas and be consumed orally. Some herbs are especially beneficial for lowering stress hormones and can be taken daily to promote healthy thyroid function.

Ashwagandha is a herb that has been studied for its ability to improve the symptoms of hypothyroidism. You can also use Ashwagandha to improve the immune system and increase energy levels.

Another herb is jatamansi, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. One can also use it to support the immune system and promote balanced emotions.

Other ayurvedic herbs used to treat hyperthyroidism include Brahmi, kachnar, and gandir. Combining these herbs with other herbal supplements can create a personalized ayurvedic treatment.

Yarrow, a plant with anti-inflammatory properties, is also an excellent treatment for hyperthyroidism. One can also pair it with other herbs, such as ginger.

Ayurvedic herbs can also be combined with a detoxification program, such as panchakarma therapy, to treat the condition. This can include dry powder massages, classical virechana, and medicated enemas.

Thyroid problems are also common in babies and can have similar symptoms to adult hyperthyroidism. They can also have constipation, weight gain, and low muscle tone.

Yoga for Hyperthyroidism

Yoga for hyperthyroidism



Whether you have Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism, yoga can help you deal with the symptoms and prevent them from progressing. Moreover, it can lower stress hormones that are common in thyroid patients.

Plough pose or Halasana increases blood flow to the neck and stimulates the thyroid gland. However, individuals with hyperthyroidism should not perform this yoga asana.


Yoga is known to help improve the function of many body parts, including the thyroid gland. It can help treat conditions related to hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism.

One of the best ways to get the most benefit from yoga is by practicing postures that stimulate and support your thyroid gland. These asanas also increase circulation to that area of your body.

The Sarvangasana – shoulder stand – is an excellent place to start your thyroid-supportive yoga practice. It strengthens the rib cage and neck muscles while stimulating the thyroid gland.

To perform this pose, lie on your back and extend your legs in front of you. You can also do this with your feet propped up against a wall with a bolster or pillow under your head.

Once you’re in the position, use your hands to lift the hips and pelvis off the floor. This will keep the core strong and improve spinal strength.

Continue to hold this position for a few breaths, then drop your knees to the side and return to the supine position. This will help achieve a chin lock, or Jalandhara bandha, which is highly beneficial for thyroid function.

Another effective stance for the thyroid is Urdhva Dhanurasana, or upward bow pose. This pose helps provide energy to the thyroid and relieves the stress of overactive thyroid.

It’s important to remember that yoga cannot cure a thyroid problem but can help ease the symptoms and improve your overall health. It should be used as a complement to any treatment that your doctor has prescribed.

This stance is particularly beneficial for people with hyperthyroidism since it promotes thyroid hormone output. It can be challenging to maintain the pose for an extended period of time, though, so you might want to start slowly.

To make this pose easier, place a bolster or pillow under your head before you begin. This can help protect your head from injury and reduce pressure on the thyroid gland as you perform this pose.

This stance is similar to plough pose in that it stimulates the thyroid gland and increases blood circulation to that area of your neck. It can be beneficial for people who are overweight or have large breasts.

Camel pose

Camel pose is an intermediate-level yoga posture that strengthens the back, uplifts the mood and improves digestion. It also opens up the heart chakra, which is linked to love and compassion.

It is a tremendous stress-relieving asana that helps to stimulate the thyroid gland. It is a very simple yoga asana that can be done at home for a few minutes daily to improve thyroid functioning and help you live a healthy life.

To perform the pose, lie down on your back with your legs extended behind you. Make sure to keep your hands near your shoulders. You can use pillows to prop yourself up and support your head and neck if needed.

The strong neck extension in camel pose is said to stimulate the thyroid gland and increase circulation to this area. It is also a good way to relieve tension in the neck and throat.

Another yoga asana that can be used to stimulate the thyroid gland is cobra pose. This poses is a part of the setu bandhasana and is considered to be an excellent pose for improving blood flow in the throat and the thyroid.

It is also thought to be beneficial for people with hypothyroidism. This asana is often performed in conjunction with other therapies that are recommended by a doctor.

This pose should be avoided by those who are pregnant or suffering from any form of musculoskeletal injury. It can also be dangerous for those with hernias or a spinal cord injury.

You should also avoid this pose if you have asthma or high blood pressure. It is recommended that you do this pose under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher.

A healthy diet, adequate rest, and regular exercise are crucial for keeping your thyroid gland in check. It is important to consult with your physician before starting any new lifestyle-related health plan to ensure that you are not doing any harm to your body.

Wheel pose

Wheel pose (or Urdhva Dhanurasana) is a challenging yoga posture that requires strength from the arms, quads, glutes, and core. It also requires a supple back through the thoracic spine.

The pose is also said to stimulate the breath, which may help increase blood circulation and energy levels. It also opens the chest and shoulders and increases spinal flexibility, making it an excellent yoga pose for hyperthyroidism.

Often, yoga teachers save this pose at the end of their class so they can give students enough time to warm up and prepare their body for it. However, it’s also a good idea to practice wheel pose earlier in your personal practice or class sequence, after many preparatory poses that open the hips and quads.

If you have an injury or limited mobility, try holding bridge pose before starting into wheel pose to avoid the risk of strain and injury. This can be especially helpful for those who have short latissimus dorsi muscles that restrict upward rotation of the scapulae.

Another important prep for wheel pose is a low lunge that stretches your thighs and knees, which are vital components of this pose. In addition to strengthening and stretching these key muscles, a low lunge can also help you keep the front thighs parallel as you bend your knees and lift into wheel pose.

Once your thighs and knees are warmed up, slide your hands to the outside of your feet with palms pressed flat against the floor and elbows pointing away from your body. Ideally, your forearms are parallel and shoulder width distance apart.

To get into wheel pose, bend your knees and bring your heels in towards the floor to where the fingertips can barely graze the heels. You can hold this position for 30 seconds at a time.

If you aren’t able to maintain the pose for more than a few breaths, it’s important to take breaks from your wheel pose to let your body recover. Repeat the above steps until your body feels strong and flexible enough to do wheel pose without discomfort or injury.

Ujjayi pranayama

Ujjayi pranayama, also known as the Darth Vader breath, is a yoga posture that can help calm the nervous system and regulate hormone production in the thyroid gland. The breathing technique is also believed to increase psychic sensitivity, which can improve the quality of sleep and reduce stress levels.

The breath enables the body to breathe deeply and with ease, increasing oxygen saturation and strengthening the diaphragm. It is a breathing practice that promotes a state of deep relaxation, allowing the body to rebalance and heal itself naturally.

Breathing is an essential component of yoga, and it is a crucial part of the hyperthyroidism treatment process. One of the most effective ways to strengthen the lungs is through Ujjayi breathing.

This is a type of diaphragmatic breathing, in which you breathe through your nose while slightly contracting your throat. This makes the air inhale and exhale with equal force, creating a slight constriction of your glottis (the space between your vocal folds).

Once you’ve been able to breathe through your nose for a few seconds, turn your chin down. Join your chin with your lower throat, and stay in this position for several seconds according to your level of comfort.

Eventually, you’ll be able to hold the breath without consciously contracting your throat. Then, you can close your mouth and breathe through your nose again. This is called a “Ujjayi breath,” and it’s a great way to start your ujjayi practice.

The breathing technique is said to cleanse the lungs by creating a vacuum in the bronchial tubes, drawing out tiny particles that can cause inflammation and congestion. It also helps to clear out blocked arteries, reducing the risk of heart disease and lowering cholesterol levels.

It also has a heating effect, generating internal heat through friction of the air passing through the lungs and throat. This creates a feeling of warmth in the body and helps to relax the mind.

It is thought to stimulate the thyroid and help regulate hormone production in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. It can also alleviate depression, boost confidence, and rejuvenate the nervous system. It can be used alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise to help manage the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Ayurveda For Hyperthyroidism

Ayurveda for hyperthyroidism


If you have hyperthyroidism, Ayurveda can help you reduce your symptoms. This ancient Indian system of medicine focuses on treating the root cause of the problem to achieve lasting results.

In Ayurveda, the main cause of thyroid problems is an imbalance between Vata and Pitta Doshas. These Doshas are biological energies that govern the body’s processes.


The thyroid gland secretes hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism. Variation in hormone production can cause Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease or Graves’ disease. The condition is an autoimmune disease that results from the body’s own immune system attacking the thyroid.

Thyroid disorders can also be triggered by other conditions, including diabetes, chronic fatigue, lupus, and some forms of cancer. Ayurveda is an ancient healing method that offers many ways to treat these diseases naturally.

According to Ayurveda, it is essential to consume a balanced diet that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. It should also include foods that contain antioxidants, which are important for boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation in the body.

It is also important to avoid sugar, processed foods, and foods that are high in saturated fats. Instead, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes.

You should drink plenty of water, which helps flush toxins out of the body and promotes healthy digestion. You should also eat fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, such as bananas and spinach.

Another important aspect of a good diet is getting enough calcium. Because hyperthyroidism can weaken bones, you need to get at least three servings of calcium a day. This can be difficult, but a doctor can help you determine your daily requirements.

Eating a variety of fresh, organic produce can also be helpful. Ideally, you should aim to eat six servings of fruit and vegetables per day. You should also drink at least a gallon of water per day, which helps keep you hydrated.

Similarly, you should get adequate amounts of fiber from whole grain products and oats. You should also eat plenty of nuts and seeds, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein.

thyroid shaped ayurvedic foods and herbs

Thyroid shape made of natural ingredients. Best food for healthy thyroid containing vitamins and minerals

In addition to a nutritious diet, it is also important to manage your stress levels. Too much stress can negatively affect the thyroid gland, making it more difficult to release the correct amount of hormones. You should try to find ways to relax and de-stress, including meditation and yoga.

While Western medicine relies on strong medications to manage your thyroid, Ayurveda is a more gentle approach that can help you improve your symptoms and quality of life. Ayurvedic doctors are trained to help patients understand their specific condition and customize a treatment plan that will help them restore health.


Herbs are an important part of Ayurvedic medicine, which focuses on preventing disease by keeping the body and mind in balance. Ayurveda also uses a number of herbs to treat hyperthyroidism.

Ayurvedic herbs for hyperthyroidism include lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) and bugleweed (Lycopus europaeus). These herbs have been shown to reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and can help block or decrease thyroid-stimulating hormone levels.

Several other herbs have been used to treat hyperthyroidism, including hawthorn (Crataegus nigra), motherwort (Symphoricarpus tinctoria) and club moss (Lithospermum officinale). These herbs can inhibit the binding of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

These herbs can also be used to relieve anxiety and heart palpitations. They can be taken with a glass of warm water, or added to tea.

Some other herbs that are often used for hyperthyroidism include licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and garlic (Allium cepa). These herbs can also be taken in combination with antithyroid drugs or radioactive iodine to improve the treatment’s effectiveness.

Ayurvedic herbs can be helpful for hyperthyroidism because they may help balance the three doshas of the body — vata, pitta and kapha. The doshas are believed to govern how our bodies function and how they react to stress.

One Ayurvedic herb that has been shown to increase T4 levels is Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It’s especially useful for people who aren’t able to take synthetic thyroid hormone replacement therapies, such as Synthroid or levothyroxine.

Thyroid disease is a serious condition, and it can have serious health effects if left untreated. It can affect your heart, muscles, bones, menstrual cycle, and fertility. It can also increase your risk of developing osteoporosis, which is caused by a loss of bone density.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism can include a racing heart rate, excessive sweating, weight gain, and difficulty sleeping. In addition, it can cause muscle weakness and fatigue.

If you’re suffering from hyperthyroidism, a healthy diet can help to control your symptoms. Avoiding foods high in sugar and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can also be beneficial for your health.


Yoga is an important part of any holistic healing program, but it is especially beneficial for those with health concerns like hyperthyroidism. In this condition, excessive thyroid hormones cause your body to speed up your metabolism and aggravate the sympathetic nervous system, causing a range of symptoms including fast heart rates, tremors, and anxiety.

In Ayurveda, hyperthyroidism can be treated naturally by rebalancing your doshas and removing any toxins from your body. Using herbs and changing your diet can help, as well as yoga.

Ayurvedic treatment is a natural, holistic approach that involves addressing the root of a health issue and combating it to find a permanent solution. As a result, Ayurveda has a long history of helping people heal from a wide range of conditions.

Thyroid disorders are primarily caused by the imbalance of Pitta Dosha, which influences digestive fire and causes excess hormone production in your thyroid gland. This results in the growth of abnormally large thyroid tissue, which can lead to symptoms like weight gain and fatigue.

Other signs of hyperthyroidism include increased appetite, sensitivity to heat, muscle weakness, loss of sleep, and an increase in monthly discharge. In addition, your heart rate can be accelerated and you may develop a low level of serum cholesterol.

Hyperthyroidism can occur at any age, but it is most common in women. It can be caused by a number of different factors, but it’s important to talk to your doctor about hyperthyroidism if you notice any of the above symptoms.

Taking medications for the condition is usually recommended by your doctor, but alternative therapies can be used in conjunction with them to provide even better outcomes. For example, Ayurvedic massage can balance your doshas and create equilibrium in your thyroid gland.

Yoga can help you regain control over your thyroid by gently stretching and relaxing your body. It can also help you reduce stress, which is often associated with hyperthyroidism.

Ayurvedic medicine for hyperthyroidism contains ingredients that clear blocked channels and nourish your thyroid gland. These remedies can be a great addition to your thyroid care regimen, and they may be able to help you wean off of prescription medications, depending on your specific situation.


Ayurveda has long been a popular form of alternative medicine and uses a holistic approach to healing. It focuses on keeping the body, mind, and spirit in balance by using diet, exercise, and herbal treatments.

Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism can help you control the symptoms and restore normal function of your thyroid gland. This is because Ayurveda aims to cure the root cause of your condition instead of just treating the symptoms.

According to Ayurvedic tradition, the three doshas of the body – vata, pitta, and kapha – can cause thyroid problems when they become unbalanced. This is because these doshas – which possess qualities of air, water, and earth – govern the physical and mental processes in your body.

The best way to balance the doshas is by consuming healthy foods that are full of nutrients, including fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fish, nuts, and seeds. This will help reduce the levels of toxins and other substances in your body that may trigger symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

In Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism, a variety of herbs are used to reduce inflammation and improve the function of the thyroid gland. These include ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), tulsi (Ocimum basilicum), and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

Another herb that can be beneficial is the eranda root, or Ricinus communis Linn. This plant is a common source of iodine, which can help treat hypothyroidism.

Massages are also an important part of Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism. These can be done on a daily basis, and they can be performed in various ways.

One option is a Shirodhara therapy, which involves pouring a lukewarm herbal oil over a specific spot on your head for a specified amount of time. This can help relax your muscles, promote proper circulation, and alleviate stress.

Ayurvedic oil massages can also be performed on the entire body. These are often done with sesame oil and other herbs, and they can help relieve muscle pain and poor circulation.

Other types of Ayurvedic massages can be performed with coconut oil or almond oil, and they can help alleviate stress, muscle tension, and fatigue. The massages can be performed for several hours at a time and can be very relaxing for the patient.

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Sri Yogi Anand
Sri Yogi Anand

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Yogi, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Master. Formerly Software engineer, and musician. He is an eloquent orator, writer, and founder of Adwait Foundation and Adwait Yoga School.

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